Written and Directed by: Garrett Viskov & Eino Haase
Cast: Bryce Bicknell, Casey Spencer, Aaron Paris, Lauren Lam, Josh McDowell, Maddie Stoehr, Kimo McDaniel, Eli Slosser, Austen Joeckel, Sean McCoy, Deiahdeen Alhjaj, Rami Dear, Parker Koonce, Sebastian Rinaldi, Jayden Hayes, Jeffery Osborn, Mark Viskov, Scott Cowley, Aiden Summers, Mina Ghami, Ben Amann, & Jim Viskov
DP/Editor/Color: Garrett Viskov
2nd Cam: Jeremiah Mai, Grant Morris, Eino Haase, & Rohan Patel
Boom Operator: Joshua Andrews, Atom Fjeldsted, Chris Cayford, & Nathan Mescall
Synopsis: The last day of school for a group of 70s high school students leads to new discoveries from within.
My Roles: Screenwriter, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Colorist, Casting Director, Location Scout, Producer, Gaffer