Written and Directed By: Garrett Viskov
Cast: Sean McCoy, Rhiannon Briggs, Atom Fjeldsted, Jim Keehner, Mark Viskov, Josh McDowell, Aaron Paris, Seth Seagoe, & Bryce Bicknell
DP/Editor/Colorist: Garrett Viskov
Sound Mixing: Sean McCoy
Boom Operator: Jeremiah Mai, Chris Cayford, Marlon Barrios, Atom Fjeldsted, Christian Becker, Bryce Bicknell, Eli Slosser, Sean McCoy, Nathan Mescall, Peter Jackson, Seth Seagoe
Synopsis: An awkward introvert struggles to balance friendship and love all the while dealing with the slow resurfacing of childhood trauma.
My Roles: Screenwriter, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Colorist, Casting Director, Location Scout, Producer